How to Brew Cold Brew Coffee
While iced coffee has been around for quite a while, Cold Brew is a relatively new phenomenon. Rather than brewing hot coffee and adding ice, cold brew is brewed at room temperature over an extended timeframe (up to 24 hours) to slowly extract the goods from the beans, resulting in a smooth, balanced cup with lower acidity and the diversity to be used in plenty of recipes. Depending on the method of preparation, you may end up with a a straight cup or a concentrate that is then mixed with water or some other liquid to balance it out. The nice bonus to most cold brew methods is that you are left with a batch that will last a few days to a few weeks.
Pour Over Methods

The Toddy’s simple design combines a plastic brewer with a glass carafe. The Toddy Cold Brew System uses an immersion brewing method where the coffee grounds sit with water over a long period, creating a concentrate that is then drained into the carafe for storage in the fridge. With easy instructions and a durable brewer at an affordable price point, the Toddy is an excellent option for those just getting into cold brewing.
Learn to brew with the Toddy Cold Brew system

Brew Guides
Cold Brew